Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Yorkshire move part 2 - Decision made.

So we've decided to move in theory to Yorkshire, probably somewhere around York.
This was sometime in 2005.

Obviously, as in so many other things, life just up and proceeded to get in the way. There was always something else needed doing first before we could do much about Yorkshire. We looked online for a bit, and did a few speculative calls to estate agents and other folks. But nothing came of it.

We did decide that the mechanics of the move would be much better if it was just one of us making the job move. Unfortunately for her, Louise earns more than I do so it was her job to get a job, which in turn would get us a mortgage, a house and a chance to move into our new lives. Obviously the plan was that I should get a job once we were up there, once Molly was settled in and once all the essential work had been done on the house.

This carried on until a particularly bad day in the summer holidays this year. I was getting really stressed with the thought of going back to school and hadn't had that productive a day whilst Molly was at King's Camp.
Louise came home from an equally bad day at work and we managed to get into a row - triggered by me accusing Louise of not really being that bothered about moving and not doing much to get a job so we could actually move.

Having read that last bit Louise has carefully reminded me that my actual words were:
"I don't see you doing anything about getting a job in Yorkshire"
(It's always nice to have a perfect memory for all the many, many things I've done wrong.)

Luckily for me, I was putting Molly to bed that night and Louise didn't want to get my blood over the nice clean sheets so instead she stormed downstairs, turned on the computer and started to send her CV off to various companies.

CVs were sent off the evening of the 8th August. The following morning at 9am, one of the companies gave her a ring and asked her to come up for an interview.
Tuesday 15th August she gets on a train and visits York to meet the boss of the company.
Friday 18th she gets a letter inviting her up for a second interview.
She arranged to go up on the 31st August.
It seemed the perfect job, she liked the company, she liked the people and the money was really good.

Then we started to panic.

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