Friday, December 21, 2007

Molly's Christmas play 2007

This week was Molly's school play.
Usually at this stage I would have lots of lovely pictures.
But some imbecile forgot to take the camera.

This year's Christmas event was pretty much exactly the same as last year. The same sense of a middle class existence and the walk down to the Tom Stoppard Centre feeling like something out of the end of Love Actually.
Obviously it was a different play, Class 1 & 2 (reception to year 2) did something involving a grumpy sheep. Lots of lovely performances. Including a child who couldn't sing more off key if they were trying to and the obligatory child deciding to flash the audience when bored.
Okay, about an hour so far, with the performance and the various intros and the bottoms going numb. I'm tired, it's hot and it's all I can do to stay awake at this point.
Next comes the choir and a bell ringing performance.
Then the moment we'd been waiting for. Well actually the four moments we'd been ewaiting for. Molly had four whole lines this year. The performance was a nativity from the point of view of the animals. For some reason, there's an owl in it doing some narration and linking scenes.
That owl was played by Molly.

It really is a shame I didn't take the camera because it would have been lovely to show you how good she looked. Full costume, owl mask, owl cape, brown shirt and leggings. She really looked the part.
And she'd developed her own voice for it as well; a lovely, slow, wise old owl voice. I had fears that when it came to actually doing it live she'd speed up and ruin the effect, but she was perfect. So perfect in fact that every time she did her lines, there was a round of applause. Since then, several people have commented on it and said how she stole the show.

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