Monday, December 15, 2008

Weekend misery - it's that roof again.....

Oh yes, here we go again, the roof is leaking once more. But this time it's doing so in a place different from the last time (which was the place the idiot builder was meant to have fixed last time). This time it's doing so from a place the builder was meant to have fixed the time before last. I swear, if I ever meet that idiot there shall be blood.

Anyway, today has been spent with me in various stages of depressed isolation and misery as I do so very well. When not in misery I've been in the attic with plentiful towels trying to mop up the water and stop it getting through to the ceiling below.

As usual, I've been feeling crap but Louise and Molly have been absolute troopers, letting me get on with it when I needed to and saying all the right things when I needed to hear them. God knows how i'd get through these times without them to be honest.

Monday morning we're back on the phone to the NHBC to try to hurry the whole process along. It seems the builder wants nothing to do with it anymore and it's all with the NHBC now. Although they keep saying they have to give the builder the opportunity to sort out the repairs himself. Too bloody late for that. Anymore waiting and the water damage will start to get really serious. Surely that idioy had his chance when we spent so long phoning him asking him to put it right? We shall see how it develops. If it's not done before Christmas I think we shall be needing many more towels...

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