Friday, July 24, 2009

Summer holiday week 1...

The summer holiday, if you happen to work in education, is a wonderful thing. A wonderful, wonderful thing. 6 weeks of holiday stretch out in front of you, waiting to be filled with adventures and excitement. In fact the only thing better than a 6 week holiday is the 7 week holiday we're currently on. I have no idea how we managed to get a 7 week holiday, but here it is.

Molly and I intend the make the best of it, plans have been planned, schemes schemed and ideas hatched. Molly wants to do everything she can this holiday. I want to do everything we can, but still have a little rest and not break the bank. Free things are very good. Free, exciting things even better.

So this week: Swimming, bike riding (the plan is at least 100 miles in the holidays as Molly gets better and more confident), market, shopping, Big Sheep Little Cow, cooking and end with chilling Friday. Whew. And that's just week 1!

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