Now in days gone by, when I was young and "new" music was strictly whatever came out that particular year, then a best of year cd would be a best of that year.
But these cds make no claim to be that, they're merely a glimpse at some of the stuff that's been playing on my stereo in any particular year.
Which is another way of saying I have so little connection with "new" music nowadays that it actually scares me.
It takes an age to put them together, these end of year cds. It's not simply a question of whacking 14 tracks onto a cd. A lot of thought goes into them. What tracks to actually go on there and more importantly, what order they go on to give a seamless cd. It's very much like the scene in Fever Pitch where they're talking about doing a mix tape for someone.
Anyway, this year's cd:
Young Marble Giants - Final Day
Scritti Politti - Dr. Abernathy
The Flaming Lips - The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song
Lily Allen - Knock ‘em out
The Boo Radleys - Lazarus
The Polyphonic Spree - Move Away And Shine
The Beach Boys - God Only Knows
Donna Summer - I Feel Love (12" Version)
Duran Duran - Hold Back The Rain (Remix)
Charlotte Gainsbourg - AF607105
Ultra Vivid Scene - Don't Look Now (Now!)
Belle and Sebastian - The Blues Are Still Blue
Kate Bush - Aerial
Guillemots - Sao Paulo
Denis Leary - Merry F#%$In' Christmas
So that's me done, how about yours?
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