Sunday, March 04, 2007

Molly's great day at Eureka.....
Meanwhile mummy and daddy went a bought a sofa and a chair. Woo.

Today Molly had a fantastic day out with Brownies at Eureka, the children's museum in Halifax.
It was a horribly early start for a Sunday. Instead of the usual slightly later lie in followed by chilling out over coffee and TV whilst deciding where to go we had to brave the very cold weather and head off to school for the 8:15am coach that had been laid on for them.

Obviously she was more excited than seems physically possible for one so young and by the time we arrived there to meet the coach she was almost bursting. Indeed, all her friends were exactly the same.
And, strangely enough, all the other parents had exactly the same "what the hell am I doing here on a Sunday morning freezing cold, this bloody early" expression on their faces.

Naturally she had a ball and came back tired but happy at 5:30. They all had a fantastic day out and Molly says she can't wait to take us to go and see it.
So Eureka has Molly's seal of approval.

And what of us? What exciting things did we do whilst she was away?
Well we went into York to M&S and bought a nice new sofa and chair for the lounge.
We know how to have fun.
But why does not having fun seem to cost so much money?

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