Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Warren Ellis - One hand on ebay - how much am I bid?

In a dire warning to other best selling comic writers out there it appears Mr Ellis, writer of such periodicals of note as Transmetropolitan, Planetary, Fell, Crecy and many more, has suffered a hand detachment issue at a recent comic convention.
One shocked fan was reported to have said:
"I was shocked. One minute I was shaking his hand asking when the Spider Jerusalem Lazerus Churchyard team up was going to be published and the next thing I know his hand just came away from his wrist. At first I was shocked, but I soon realised the money I could make from this on ebay and legged it"

Alternatively, read this from Warren Ellis, who is off to Chicago for the comic con June 26-29:

I’ll post my signing schedule for the Chicago con when I get home. Five hours a day minimum. I’m the show’s guest of honour, and they figure there’ll be a lot of books for me to deface.

So Avatar Press tell me they’ve gotten me a hand brace for this show. Which makes me feel like a cripple, frankly. But when I got into this business, I never thought I’d be shaking more hands in a long weekend than a presidential candidate does in a month.

It's a strange world we live in where we have to have convention strategies for hand shaking!

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