Saturday, November 08, 2008

DFC Day - issue 24 - Lazarus Lemming

New DFC yesterday, forgot to blog it. Bad me.

The cover is of the new funny adventure Lazarus Lemming by John Gatehouse and Dave Windett. Molly likes it already. But it's still Vern & Lettuce and Crab Lane Crew that she heads for first. In fact she spent quite a while this week drawing the characters for a forthcoming review / overview of the DFC I'm trying to sort out at the moment. And she's also written bits of the review and been interviewed about the DFC by me.

And although she doesn't know it yet, there's a payment for doing all this work. Jim Medway and Sarah McIntyre kindly said they'd do Molly a sketch as payment for the piece. She'll be absolutely over the moon about that.

The DFC is a fantastic comic for children of all ages (& grown ups of all ages too for that matter). It's available via subscription only from the DFC website.

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