Thursday, July 20, 2006


We used to be with a dental practice in Handsworth. It was the one that Louise's family have been using for many, many years. The best thing about it was it was one of those rarest of things; an NHS dentist.

But sadly, the regular dentist left a few years ago and we were left with a continually changing just qualified dentist every six monthly check up. Not the best thing to fill us with trust. Particularly when the last bit of treatment I had done, a replacement filling, kept having to be redone every few months because the just qualified dentist didn't do it right in the first place.

The final straw came when we went in February. Bloody hell, the whole things gone private.
Faced with the prospect of paying £40 for a check up it wasn't so easy to overlook the terrible location, crap service, horrible waiting room and general down at heel feel of the place.
So we started looking around for a new dentist. Obviously NHS would be preferable but we were resigned to going private and just wantedsomewheree where we felt confident in our dentist.
But we've lucked out. Dad's dentist was willing to take us on as NHS patients.
Total result!

Our teeth are all fine, thanks for asking.

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