Saturday, September 02, 2006

Top Ten - The Forty Niners. Alan Moore & Gene Ha (2005)

Alan Moore's final act of his ABC series. A stand-alone graphic novel featuring characters from his Top 10 series.
Top 10 is the story of Neopolis, a city where everyone has super powers and it's the job of the the superpowered police force has to try and sort out the mess.

The Forty Niners is the story of the early days of Neopolis.
And it's pure old school Alan Moore.

He could have easily have written it any time in the past twenty years. Which is not to say it isn't great, because it is. It's well written, engaging & fun but it's also an example of a great creator working on something beneath him (See also Grant Morrison doing Superman and Batman or Neil Gaiman doing 1602 or Eternals.)

My only gripe here is that I can't help wishing that Alan Moore would stop doing these sorts of books and write his next From Hell. He needs to stretch himself and I desperately want to read something that he's actually worked hard on.

Luckily, seeing as he's saying he's officially retired from comics to concentrate on stuff he wants to do I think I may see something great as his next project. At one point he was promising a history of magic. That would be stunning.

Until then, I'll take the Forty Niners, proof that even in his sleep Alan Moore is a better writer than most of the writers working in comics today.

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