Sunday, April 27, 2008

John Welding - Drawing The City - part 1

Today we went to see the John Welding Drawing The City exhibition at Wakefield Art Gallery.

John is an artist I've mentioned before, and his exceptional body of work is tragically unavailable.

"He was commissioned by the gallery, with support from Arts Council England, to create this new work as a way to record one of the most important periods of development and change in the city's history. The exhibition follows a journey in time and trough the city as John travels from the existing Art Gallery in Wentworth Terrace across the city, down to the river and the site of the new Hepworth Wakefield. Along the way he records, the demolition of the old and the creation of the new and the varied faces of Wakefield's inhabitants"

He's been walking the streets of Wakefield in all weathers sketching scenes as he sees them and then transferring them onto a huge paper roll in his studio.

The exhibition runs until June 22nd. Please do your best to get along to see it. Even better, go and see it and then contact:
  1. Wakefield Art Gallery - to tell them how good it was and petition them to put the completed work on permanent display in the new Hepworth Gallery.
  2. John Welding himself and try to convince him to get his work into print again. I'd love to see a collection of his extensive works.
John Weldings website, his blog.

Now, some more of that lovely artwork, remember to click through for bigger images & sorry for the colouration on the images, in reality the background is a dazzling, pure white:

Part 2, Part 3, Part 4. all images © copyright john welding

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for making a record of this, Rich. Looks magnificent!
