Showing posts with label Dad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dad. Show all posts

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Carl Giles exhibitions upcoming

From the Guardian last week is an informed and illuminating article on one of my favourite cartoonists; Carl Giles. (Again, as I wrote here, this is all thanks to my father's study and a collection of Giles that still takes pride of place today).


(Giles cartoon from 1980 with carefully placed hanging Rupert in the background)

The Guardian piece concentrates on the dichotomy of Giles, the left winger, working as one of the highest paid cartoonists of the age for Lord Beaverbrook and the Daily Mail. So it seems Giles spent his days subtly trying to annoy the establishment as much as possible:

His first job as resident cartoonist was for the leftwing Reynolds News, and the archive reveals his guilt at abandoning it for the rightwing Sunday Express: "They stuck a cigar in my face," he explained. He never agreed with the Express's politics, but it made him rich: by 1955 he was being paid £8,060 for three cartoons a week and on one occasion, walking back from a good lunch with the proprietor, was invited to choose a car as they walked past a Rolls-Royce showroom.

"Once he became one of Beaverbrook's gang, he was in a class of his own," Hiley said. "He was certainly earning two or three times as much as any other cartoonist of his day."

He got his revenge in jokes like poor slaughtered Rupert Bear - who was also executed by firing squad, and ripped apart by the Family's dog, in cartoons published in 1971. Giles stayed away from the office as much as possible, never attended news conferences, and never submitted drafts of cartoons: they arrived, on or just after the deadline, by taxi from his studio in Ipswich. Subeditors were standing by ready to scour the backgrounds, particularly densely shaded patches or foliage, for obscene outlines or other audacities, and inevitably some got through.

However, the real point of the Guardian article, and the real point of me telling you about it is to point out that there two new exhibitions of his work, which I'm sure will be well worth a visit. Giles' work is too often forgotten when we talk about great British cartoonists:

Giles, One of the Family: Cartoon Museum in London: from November 5.
Town Hall Gallery in Ipswich: exhibition of local scenes in his work: from November 8.

Co-incidentally, this very week, CBR had Carl Giles' profiled in their Stars of Political Cartooning series. (Carl Giles at CBR).

Sunday, May 18, 2008

PROPAGANDA Reviews - The Work Of Carl Giles.

A while back I posted about the St Trinian’s film and it’s problematic relationship with Ronald Searle’s original St Trinian’s cartoons. Which is perhaps merely a complicated way of saying I loved Searle’s cartoons and hate what I’ve seen of this new film.

But it got me thinking about how we first receive an introduction to comics and how these timid first steps can often be prompted by some unusual sources.
In many ways this relates to the fascinating Crikey, It’s Saturday posts by the guys from the excellent Crikey magazine here on the FPI blog every Saturday. I’m guessing that a great many of us older folks reading this blog will have received our introductions to comics not through our local comic shop and the full colour adventures of some American superhero or other. I’m betting that most of us started out reading the sorts of comics that are being talked about in Crikey, or the sort of comics I remember from my Dad’s study……

Although I read comics as a young child they were mostly the occasional Beano or Dandy or Whizzer and Chips. A visit to the library would be made extra special by finding a Tintin or Asterix volume in the oversized children’s section. But superheroes? Not until much later.

But one unlikely and important source of comics in our house was my father’s study. The aforementioned St Trinian’s book, a Charles Addams collection, some Fred Bassett books , a pile of MAD magazines and the ever present, once a year delight that was the Giles Cartoon annual at Christmas. Every Christmas afternoon for at least a decade and a half I can remember the comforting feel of a full stomach and a Giles book to read through. (I got it after Dad had finished with it obviously!)

(Giles Cartoons Volume 1 - contains cartoons from 1943 to 1945.)

Every so often I’d nip into his room and borrow a couple of the books to re-read. Of course, knowing what I know now I’d probably have taken greater care of the first few volumes than I did, but these well thumbed, rather tatty volumes still sit proudly on my dad’s bookcase even now.

Inside I discovered the entire Giles family in all of their glorious strangeness. But it’s a strangeness of a time gone by rather than a deliberate strangeness. These characters are perfect caricatures of working Britain from half a century ago. Each single page cartoon is a snapshot of a time past, captured better than any history book could ever have hoped to do for a young boy leafing through the pages.

(The Giles family tree. Wonderful characters all. Click to be taken to original at full size.)

And of course, beyond this perfect history lesson the cartoons of Carl Giles were very, very funny. A cursory glance at the few examples below should The original cartoon volumes are very difficult to get, but there are countless reprint volumes available. It’s well worth a look at them, a cartoon monument to a distant time and a wonderful, hilarious look at British life through the 20th Century. And every so often, when I’m back visiting, I’ll pick them up and lose myself in the genius of Giles once more.

A good starting point for any further investigation of his work would be the excellent website; A Celebration Of Giles from which I borrowed the following examples of Giles’ work:

(”She’ll be lucky. Because of the grave international monetary crisis
I took the precaution of removing the contents of me piggy bank this time”.

December 1958.)

(”We’ll finish this shop steward gentleman another day -
don’t want to be fined by the Union for working extra time”
Oct 1950. Giles painted a delightful picture of working life,
but wasn’t shy of pointing out the troubles of the times either.)

(”Mum! Cyril’s wrote a wicked word.”
November 1950. Giles also had a wonderful knack of
reducing complicated political times to a brilliantly simple illustration.)

Carl Giles 1916 - 1995. A truly great cartoonist and certainly one of the many factors that introduced me to comics. All thanks to my dear old Dad.

Originally posted on the FPI blog here.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Completely lost night. I'm blaming Microsoft

Got an email today from the evil ones saying that Outlook Express support for Hotmail accounts was being pulled in June. Which was a shame because unlike nearly everything Microsoft I've used Outlook Express was nice, simple and effective.
So time, they said, to move over to Windows Live Mail.
Bollocks, thinks I, time to move over to Mozilla's Thunderbird. But I thought I'd have a look and maybe run a week of one, a week of the other - just to see how they work.
And knowing that I'll have to talk dad through changing over as well I thought it best to see which was easiest for him.
That was 4 hours ago.
I've twiddled, faffed and tweaked away to my heart's content and have to report, sadly, that Microsoft Live Mail is pretty nifty really. Looks far more flash than it needs to be (it is based on the vista look after all) but just works nice and easily.
Thunderbird also works. But it's more work to get it to work, having to download add-ons and then configure your servers as well. Not something I really want to take dad through.
So it looks like I may stick with the evil ones a little longer after all.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

St Trinian's - the proper version

Boing Boing reminded me that the St Trinian's film came out earlier this week.

And to celebrate this dubious event I've decided to never ever watch it. Instead I'd like to celebrate the St Trinian's I grew up with.

Because, on my fathers bookcase, amongst the classics and the tell tale signs of an English teacher (Shakespeare, Dickens, Orwell et al) were a few cartoon books: Fred Bassett, a Charles Addams, Giles annuals and a Ronald Searle St Trinian's book. Every so often when I wandered the house bored during the endless Summer holidays, I would meander my way into his study and peruse the shelves looking for anything to read. And a deep abiding love of these three books grew and grew.

So St Trinian's for me definitely isn't some dodgy film described by Mark Kermode as "badly written, grubbliy acted, poorly filmed". And it isn't even the much better 1960s films with George Cole and the great Alastair Sim.

It's all about this:

(Ronald Searle's St Trinian's cartoons. Absolute perfection.)

And lucky folks that you are, instead of popping out to get the movie on dvd you can now pop online and get this instead. (Or even better, buy it for me.)

(St Trinian's: The Entire Appaling Business. Ronald Searle. This is the US version of the collection, but looks like it's freely available over here. It just looks so much better than the British version does.)

There's something so wonderfully English about these St Trinian's cartoons, just like there was about Giles and Fred Bassett. They couldn't have come from anywhere else. And most probably couldn't have come from any other time either. The remake of the film seems to prove this. Scheming, devious, anarchic schoolgirls that entertained us in Searle's version merely serve to titilate and make dodgy phone sex gags in the new film. (And yes, I know there were some dodgy Sixth Form girls in the 60s films, but nowhere near the sorts of things I've seen in just the previews in the current film.)

So you can keep your remake. Searle's cartoons are the beginning, the middle and the end of St Trinian's for me.

There's a couple of Ronald Searle sites that look official (Ronald and respectively) but they're not that great. One of the nicest resources I could find is this good tribute blog and of course there's always wikipedia.